I have been doing some more portfolio pieces for my agent, as there is Bologna book fair coming up soon...here is a cityscape I did, I thought I'd post up one of the initial sketches as well.
This is another test image for a story I'm trying to put together, it's about a panda that loses his black patches and ends up in the Artic Circle where the lost property is. Here he is dreaming about bamboo...there's only fish to eat out in the Arctic for him!
I did this illustration last night for Amelia's magazine blog, run by the lovely Amelia Gregory. The article it accompanies is for a decorative biscuit company http://www.biscuiteers.com
Here it is... (have a look at the printed magazine as well if you can, its a lovely publication!)
Sunday, 13 February 2011
This is another birthday card design I'm working on at the moment. The target market is mainly male students.