It's been quite a while since I updated this blog...well I have a shop now, and in it features this new mini book I made...(see images below)
I illustrated this for Illustration Friday's 'Disguise', but didn't upload it in time, anyway here it is....! (fox disguised as wallpaper in case you wanted an explanation)
It is a brilliant blog featuring inspiring, amazing illustrations from around the globe.
So thank you very much to Amy Ng who runs it! Amy is an illustrator as well as doing many other design related jobs; you can see more of her wonderful work here...
I have been doing some more picture book spreads, here are a couple so far from Hansel and Gretel. This scene focusing on the witch locking Hansel in a cage and trying to fatten him up...
I visited the Booth Museum today in Brighton. It is full of stuffed birds and animals, insect and butterfly collections all in glass cages. Its good for reference drawing, quite weirdly brilliant.